Monday, September 13, 2010

Our Weekend at Tailwaggers

Hot, hot, hot and humid, humid, humid! I can't remember a weekend of agility that was sweatier (If that is a word.)  Ugh!  

Tailwagger's shows are always nice to attend; great equipment, fun people and I get to hang with some of the best people ever! Staying at the Verrelli's is always fun and Kellie made homemade ice cream, yum! The girls and I went for a swim on Saturday afternoon, very refreshing after the heat of the day.

So, the show...Diane Cason was the Masters judge and she had some challenging courses. Moxie Q'd in Gamblers and Pairs (with Maggie and Lizzie).  Other runs were wonderful, one odd. Moxie does not usually go off course unless I have flicked my hand, but she took off after the teeter to a tunnel at great distance away, passing by the table.  Odd!  Diane was funny as Moxie was heading into the tunnel she said, "that was unexpected."  You think? LOL Funny!

Chloe was entered in P3 Gamblers and Snooker-no Qs, but always fun to run Phyllis Diller. On Sunday morning for Snooker I got her running-she was speedy and having fun. One point shy of Q'ing.   

Breakaway Tires!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our first weekend with them and Moxie "broke" it twice, that was painful to see, since I never had to really teach the tire, but maybe I should have done that all along.  Many people had troubles, so we all started to analyze why. Were the straps too tight, too loose, was the angle doing it, what body part hit the tire, etc. 

After the two breaks we got over it, or should I say through it, and no more breaks.  How do you ask? Well, I helped Moxie with the angle more. Wondering if I will always have to do this, or not. Interesting, hope that they  are not at Nationals. <g>

Need to find some pics to add to this blog, jazz it up a bit!

Monday, September 6, 2010

We've Moved!!!

I decided to go with the blog approach rather than the website that I have had for the last couple of years. The main reason for this is to save money, Blogger is free. <g>  I did not post too often to the website, so it was somewhat stagnant and got to be a bit boring for me, to be honest.

I will still update the girls' goings on, just here. I can upload/link to video, pictures and other sites.  I am game to try something new, for me at least. Now that I have a fab new phone I can access the blog from almost anywhere.

Come back often, I will do my best to update more regularly. Maybe we can have a discussion or just do nothing at all.